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Are you in the world or is the world in you?

Entertaining the possibility that “the world is in us” cannot be shared casually with strangers sitting outside at a street cafe for, ever since we have come out of the infancy stage, most of us have been led to think and/or take for granted that each and everyone of us, is an 'I”, an individual, a separate entity with free-will, and that therefore indeed “we are in the world”!

But in the comfort and safety of our non dual circle of friends, we may attempt to shift perspective and even take a bold step beyond what we take as real, exploring a new possibility that “we are the world”, that “we are Consciousness”...

In the first part of our meeting, we viewed 3 videos by our all time favorite Rupert Spira:

Materialists believe that the world is evidence, the fact that we all experience the same world is evidence that there is a world outside consciousness. In fact it is the opposite. The world, the shared world is evidence of shared consciousness. It is because each of our minds is precipitated from the same field of infinite awareness that the world appears to be the same to each of us.”

It is our deep conviction that matter runs continuous through our entire experience, and that it continues to exist between two appearances of the mind, although our experience is that the body like the mind is an intermittent object that comes and goes, and that awareness is the reality that runs underneath.”

We continued then with a sound experiment

The world is not an illusion. The world “as we conceive it” is an illusion, as the finite (dual, phenomenal, relative) mind conceives it...

The teaching does not say that experience is an illusion. Experience is undeniably real.

The world made out of stuff called matter is an illusion.The world made out of a mind even is an illusion.But the world made out of consciousness is real. In other words, consciousness is the reality, the substance, the stuff out of which all experience is made.”

Then in the second part of our meeting, we practiced some exercises by Richard Lang, who has developed a method of self-enquiry pioneered by Douglas Harding entitled 'The Headless way”:­

  • The pointing here experiment

  • Spinning the world

  • The close-eyed experiment

To conclude this lovely enquiry session, a poem called “Every time I open my eyes” by Rupert Spira – him again! - was read. If you want to hear it told by Rupert Spira himself

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